Infrared Light Meter

Electronics design

When shooting with black and white infrared films, IR light levels vary depending on many factors, such as light intensity and altitude. This light meter was designed to take the guess-work out of calculating your exposure times. Set your film brand, filter type, and aperture. Point the light meter at your scene and the light meter will calculate the optimal exposure time. It is still worth bracketing your shots to ensure correct exposure.

Supported films:
Kodak HIE High Speed Infrared - (sensitive up to 900nm)
Rollei Infrared 400 - (sensitive up to 750nm)

Supported filters:
Hoya R72 (740nm)

The R72 Infrared filter does not let any wavelengths before 740nm pass through, allowing only light in the high red area and infrared spectrum to enter the lens. From 760nm to 860nm, the light transmission rate is 95%.

This design is open-source and will be made free to download soon.


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