Backyard Bila
interactive system
microcontrollers, sensors, projector, custom software, paper and markers
Note: Local spelling of Wiradyuri (Wiradjuri) and Wambool (Wambuul) has been used in the following text.
Wiradyuri - noun.
Visitors to Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) of all ages are invited to decorate their own design of local fish, yabby or platypus and watch it come to life and swim around the room.
Just a short stroll from the gallery, you will find yourself on the banks of the Macquarie River - or as it has been known for thousands of years by the local Wiradyuri people: Wambool.
A selection of culturally significant species of local fish, yabby (crayfish) and platypus from the river were chosen by the Bathurst Wiradyuri Elders to feature in the interactive space.
A collaboration with the Wiradyuri Elders and Traditional Owners from Gunhigal Mayiny Wiradyuri Dyilang Enterprise.
Soundtrack composed by Wiradyuri Elders and Traditional Owners from Gunhigal Mayiny Wiradyuri Dyilang Enterprise.
A BRAG Make Space Project.